Saturday, October 28, 2006

Huh? Baby Names?

As I ponder this great debate, I have been subjected to suggestions and memories of how someone chose the name of their child.

To date the best memory is that of a co-worker that suddenly woke-up from a dream and the name of her child was right there...

OMG! If for me it could only be that easy...

The child's name would have to Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson or even Halle Berry.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Carmen Electra is Scientific

Just like every other Playboy Playmate, Carmen Electra says she will make the natural transition into the study of quantum physics.

"I'm really into quantum physics. Some of my friends are into it, some of them aren't, so I'm trying to get them excited about discovering all these interesting things about thoughts and the power of thoughts. It gives me chills thinking about it. It's fun."

The "power of thoughts" should have told Carmen Electra that watching Mr. Wizard really shouldn't be that big of a life changing experience.... Somebody should just tell her to take all her clothes off and look in the mirror. Then she'll realize that’s she's Carmen Electra. She's not supposed to be trying to secure grant money for research on her time machine; she's supposed to be naked. The only scientific formula she needs to know is that the solid blue line means you're pregnant.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Oh my God!

Nearly a month has gone by, without a single post. YIKES!